Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vintage Florida Piece

So I promised my Mom that I would do an original painting for her way back during last Christmas. I just now got it done. Not that it took me a year to do it, I just have been to busy with other stuff to get it done. (some son I am) Anyway, it had to go with her decor which was kind of a "Vintage Florida Travel Theme" So that was the style I went for, something that looked like an old "Welcome to Florida" postcard or something. It was fun drawing the house I grew up in as well. Although I have to say I hate drawing buildings and scenery. But still a fun piece.


Believe it still said...

That's pretty cool, sir...

Chip said...

Nice...make me feel like a bad son. My mom has been asking for years. Way to go number one son!