Friday, January 9, 2009

Rock On Baby!

Now here is a fun job I was hired to do For Stuph Clothing's new Winter piece. They wanted something besides the old brochure layout so we switched it up and did a poster instead. Below you will see the final poster (both front and back) as well as a nice high resolution image of the actual illustration used for the front side. Credit to the awesome Torrance Reed for the drawing, and to the "Iron Fist Velvet Glove" Jared Mirabile of Stuph Clothing fame for the main "You're a Rock Star" text and other embellishments. I did the coloring (which byt the way I'm very proud of the style I used) and most of the layout work. It was fun working with other artists, reminded me of the times I used to work in the trenches with other artists side by side. Now back to my Lone Ranger ways.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Love You!

Okay, My last post was a gift to my Mom. That reminded me that I had this older piece I did for my wife Valerie. It was my first "real" painting since somewhere around high school. I did it this way because Valerie said I was cheating when I drew on the computer. I wanted to show her I could use the real stuff If I wanted. I HATE painting with the real stuff. If that makes me less of an artist so be it! I'll take my Wacom Cintiq and Adobe Photoshop for all my painting needs. Its not messy, you don't have to buy canvas or paint supplies, and best of all.... I can undo. Anyway, enjoy the "real" painting. I like how it came out considering I haven't touched acrylics in years. But I think I'll still stick with my supposedly cheating computer from now on. Enjoy!