Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bioshocked: UPDATED

UPDATE: New Wallpapers of art added due to popular demand, and an art deco inspired "ad" I did just for fun a while back. Enjoy :)
So back in the fall of 2007, 2K Games offered up a really great contest for fans of there then upcoming XBOX360/PC title Bioshock. I couldn't sleep one night and came across this contest at about 3 in the morning. I love video games and I love design. This was the perfect chance for me to get my foot in the door. I stayed up and what you see below is what I came up with. Nothing too fancy but I think it fits the artistic direction of the game. (rust, underwater, art deco, etc.) I always try to design for the audience, very rarely do I get to design for myself. In this case it worked. I won the contest and my art was embossed on to the Limited Edition version of the game. I was flown out to Boston for the launch party. They game me a couple copies of the game, some spending money, a stay in a luxurious hotel, and some other cool swag. I was interviewed by Joystiq and Game Pro. In the end however I got what I wanted, my foot in the door. Since then I've won a bid on another video game title that I can't talk about here. (NDA) and Bioshock has gone on to win many "Game of the Year" awards. Plus I get to show my name in the credits to people and grin like an idiot. I hope that this is just the beginning and I'll design logos and covers for many more games in the future. Besides, if I can get free copies of games that would save me a lot of money.


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